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大規模坡體滑動及相關地質災害評估 瑞士洛桑大學-Michel JABOYEDOFF教授
Meet the experts: Dr. Michel Jaboyedoff, Prof., University of Lausanne
03 第4回 DPRI Award受賞記念講演 Prof. Michel JABOYEDOFF:平成28年度京都大学防災研究 研究発表講演会
路線地質圖策會與山崩潛感分析PART 1
"Meet the Experts" 2017: Michel Jaboyedoff (interview by Michele Calvello)
Edwin F. García - Implementation of the TRIGRS model with reliability analysis for hazard assessment
SNS在山区公路边坡地质灾害防护中的应用 淘宝开箱-淘寶開箱-TAOBAO TRY-ON HAUL
"Meet the Experts" 2017: Alessio Ferrari (interview by Michele Calvello)
Risk Management of Rock Slope Instability – UBC Georox Distinguished Lecture
Les aléas gravitaires dans les Préalpes: "sciences" et responsabilités...